Fake Service Dogs and How to Handle Them
Fake Service Dogs have become a considerable issue in the past 5 years. With very little effort, many individuals without diagnosed disabilities choose to pose their private pets as service dogs in order to gain public access where pets are not allowed or to eliminate fees such as pet deposits or transportation fees for their pet on commercial transportation. Many individuals believe that passing stricter laws or creating a government service dog registry would resolve or at lease reduce these problems. We disagree. The ADA - Americans with Disability Act (see link on our home page) was well written to not only give the service dog handler protection as they utilize their service dog in public, but also gives businesses protection against those handler and service dog teams that don't meet the standard outlined in the ADA. Indeed, business owners and managers are the gatekeepers who can help reduce the number of fake service dog teams by enacting and enforcing their rights under the ADA as well.
If you are a business owner or manager who would like more information regarding how to recognize fake service dogs, how to deal positively with legitimate service dog teams or if you would like Sirius K9 to come to your location for an information session with your staff, please click on the link below, fill out the reservation form and we will call you to set up a time. This information session is approximately 30 minutes and is offered at no charge.